Style-Cat's Mission Improvables - Complexion.....

Mission Improvable 1

Mission Objective: To improve the condition of the skin on my face. Tackle the appearance of fine wrinkles, broken veins and reduce visibility of scar-tissue.
Purpose/Incentive: The long term cost saving on coverage cosmetics and the benefit of healthier skin.
  1. Look on-line to see what options are available for skin improvement
  2. Read reviews for clinics to determine who to approach
  3. Book appointment at London Dermatology Centre to have a consultation with a skin consultant to arrange appropriate treatment/s
  4. Begin treatment!
  5. Monitor results of the treatment as the personalized course progresses
Agent Style-Cat's Mission Log
Being 30-something, you cant help being aware of the changes in your complexion and skin elasticity.  You see the knock on effect of how you have treated your face in your teens and twenties, and wish you had taken better care of your face when you still had that fresh youthful glow....
The rise of treatments such as Botox and facial peels means we are more freely able to retain or recapture that glow with younger looking skin. But do we have to be as drastic as injecting ourselves with neuro-toxins to paralyse our facial muscles? Or take 5-15 days out of society until our faces reduce in redness from the various chemical peel options available?  Not wanting to be part of the botox nation until and only if there is such a time as it becomes an absolutely necessary I thought there surely has to be other less extreme treatments to try first?
To my great relief (having always been a little needle-phobic and an avoid-er of pain where possible) I discovered there are other options out there which are less severe in nature to tackle skin issues - IPL and Microdermabrasion.
After checking on line to see what clinics received the best reviews I dropped in to The London Dermatology Centre to make an appointment and the very polite and friendly reception staff were able to facilitate an appointment for me with Dr Knight after just a short wait.
The warm and friendly Dr Knight put me at ease with light banter and some 'practical knowledge' about what would happen and assessed my skin using Visia which is probably the scariest part of the whole treatment process. Its not that it hurts physically, but believe me when you see the microscopic detail of your facial flaws and lines its a shocker!The pain to the ego, well that smarts a fair bit ....(Apparently this reaction is common to all recipients of the Visia don't be freaked out by the results if you go and have this are not alone!) We discussed my skin, my skin care routine and what I was hoping to achieve. He talked me through what the results were likely to be using the treatments we discussed and he gave me a realistic honest opinion of whether each skin-improvement ambition I had come with wasgoing to be  achievable .
Having been prone to outbreaks of psoriasis in the past, although not for some time now, Dr Knight was wary of undertaking microdermabrasion on my face - what is not commonly known is that peels and microdermabrasion can cause an outbreak of psoriasis in those prone to the skin condition. However he agreed to a test patch on my neck to see if I had a reaction or outbreak. We settled on a course of IPL Facial Rejuvenation and depending on the results of the test patch microdermabrasion. However as I had fake tan on, I had to arrange another appointment to come back for the first treatment installment and see result of the patch test. So my first treatment session was booked for 10th March 2012......... (more to follow shortly)

7th March 2012
Remember not to apply fake tan for next three days before my first session!

10th March 2012 - Session 1
My first appointment with Dr Knight for a session of IPL and to determine whether we can go ahead with Microdermabrasion. My appointment was for 3pm, so I did a half days work in the office then off I went to 69 Wimpole Street! The reception staff again were very polite and friendly; and after a brief wait Mr Knight came to take me upstairs to his consultation room. He reassured me that I would not have a 'red' face afterwards - apparently some people have microdermabrasion and IPL on the same day they get married! So no ugly marks or signs of treatment afterwards. We further discussed my skin and what I wanted to achieve; and he showed me photos depicting before and after results of other patients who have undergone microdermabrasion and IPL. Dr Knight had a look at the patch test and although still wary not to go too excessive for the first attempt, he agreed to a trial of Microdermabrasion on the key areas of my face. Laying on a bed in the treatment room, I was relaxed and ready. Dr Knight ran what feels like a pen with an abrasive wide tip over my forehead, side of my nose and chin. he said he was gong lightly and gently at first to limit the chance of a break out of psoriasis. Microdermabrasion feels a little 'scratchy' on your skin - a discomfort rather than pain - and while your glad its over when the session is done because it feels slightly unpleasent, you are not put from off further sessions, its not too bad just ....not pleasent! 

I then lay with ice cool gel packs on my face to reduce the core temperature of the skin. After a short while the gel packs came off and Dr Knight  began to thickly apply  ice cold gel to my face -  this needs to go on to protect your face from the laser treatment  (its a very intensely hot laser that is used for IPL). I must say I was thinking to myself "bloody hell that's a hell'o'va lot of gel on my face!" - it feels like you have inches thickness of this coolant gel slathered on your face (as your lying down at the time, you cant see just how much is put on of course!) However you do need it. The IPL session started with me putting on eye protection much like that given for a sunbed. Then the 'pulses' of intense laser was administered. The best way I can describe the experience is that its like having your eyes shut while an old style camera flash, that is very warm almost hot, keeps going off close to your face. It made me subconsciously 'flinch' just a little bit each time but it was just a natural instinct to draw back, there is no pain. There was one 'pulse' during the session that hit an area of skin with less gel coverage and wow do you felt the difference -  and at that moment you realise exactly WHY there is so much coolant gel covering your face.... That's one gosh darn hot laser!

The session lasted between 5-10 minutes and then after washing off the gel, I was taken into the consultation room again to 'recover' with further gel packs on my face to cool down the core temperature  of my face after treatment (not that it felt hot, just a warm glow similar to when you have been on a sunbed). After about ten minutes or so the gel packs came off; and Dr Knight & I had a  chat about skin care after treatment and I bought the recommended medical cleanser and moisturiser as advised. The session cost £160 and the skin care items about £35 for the 2 products (big bottles!). I was recommended to come for session 2 in 4-6 weeks time for optimum results.

There were no side effects after session 1, and my skin was not pink or red so I was able to go straight out into public view with a hint of a fresh glow about me. 
This is me coming out from my first session! As you can see aside from being a bit pale from no 'tan', the skin has no redness or blotching from the treatment unlike with chemical facial peels.

Not a bad first session at all!

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