Saturday 19 May 2012

Style-Cat back at the keyboard.....

Hello Confessions readers! 
I have returned, so it seems, after straying away with my fellow Team Kitten co-haut Agent H-Cat (she knows who she is the wily minx) and after re-couperating with a very long cat-nap, I am back in the blog world.... 
And returning to the blog world on a weekend where a slice of Disco died..... 

While saddened at the loss of the iconic Donna Summer, one of the Sallyisms one lives by is to take the positive not negative and thus we should celebrate life not mourn death. On this note my 'Covets and Love-its' return in dedication to our ultimate Disco Diva Donna Summer .... yes baby, we too feel looooooooooooooooooooooove!